CBRN (Chemical, Biologicali Radiological, Nuclear)


CBRN (Chemical, Biologicali Radiological, Nuclear);

What is CBRN: It refers to all of the dangerous substances that cause many negative effects on humans and the environment by spreading from chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear hazardous materials to the environment intentionally, accidentally or as a result of natural disasters.
It serves to protect the health of the public against chemical, biological, radioactive, nuclear threats and dangers, to minimize the loss of life, to take the necessary precautions and to provide the fastest treatment in possible CBRN cases.
There are two showers in our CBRN decontamination unit and it has the necessary equipment and equipment. In addition, we have an isolation room in the emergency room, where the treatment of decontaminated patients is carried out.
Our personnel working in the CBRN unit and the emergency room were given the necessary training on responding to CBRN cases.
